
Dr. Paul Cheney Curriculum Vita


The family is the most important organization in time or in eternity. —Joseph Fielding Smith


Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work, and the power to appreciate life. -Brigham Young


No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else. -Charles Dickens


Dr. Paul Cheney is seeking a faculty position in Web Design and Development.

1057 Huckleberry Circle • Salem UT, 84653

Cell: 385-329-3499 • Email: spartandesign.biz@gmail.com


Ph.D., University of Virginia (UVA) – Charlottesville, VA

August 2008

Instructional Technology, GPA 4.0/4.0

M.S., Utah State University (USU) – Logan, UT

December 1992

Instructional Technology, GPA 3.5/4.0

B.S., Brigham Young University (BYU) – Provo, UT

April 1991

Elementary Education GPA 3.55/4.0

A.A., General Education, Ricks College (BUYI) – Rexburg, ID

April 1989

General Education GPA 3.72/4.0

Work Experience

Utah Valley University — Orem, UT

August 2008 – Present

Faculty - Full-time, tenure-track faculty member in the Digital Media Department.

Brigham Young University Idaho — Rexburg, ID

May 2015 - Present

Online Adjunct Faculty - Teach one on-line course each semester for the Web Design & Development Department.

Southern Virginia University — Buena Vista, VA

August 2006 - July 2008

Director Media and Instructional Technology - Responsible for developing on-line course materials and provide training for faculty using the new course management system.

Also responsible for the design and development of the SVU website and training employees on maintaining their respective areas. Other media responsibilities include photography, 360 panoramic tours, video and audio production, custom web based database applications, and maintaining the teaching lab.

Southern Virginia University — Buena Vista, VA

May 1998 - August 2006

Instructor of Multimedia Design - Full-time instructor in “Information Science and Multimedia Design”. Courses taught include Technology Tools (MS Office), Introductory Computer Application, Photography, Desktop Publishing, Web Design.

Interactive Multimedia, and Video Production - Provide multimedia services to the university including: desktop publishing, video editing, photography, sound recording, web design, custom database applications, and faculty training.

Information Technology - Designed, setup, and maintained the Macintosh computer lab, OSX servers, the video editing and photo studio, and the photography and video equipment. Administered a budget to repair and upgrade equipment.

Manager – Managed 6-8 work-study student employees.

Brigham Young University — Provo, UT

October 1993 - April 1998

Multimedia Designer and Developer - Worked as a Multimedia Producer providing the following services to the BYU faculty. Multimedia Production, Instructional Design, Project Management, Desktop Publishing, CD-ROM Mastering and Quick Start Instructor.

Hill Air Force Base — Clearfield, UT

January 1993 - December 1996

Instructional Designer and Developer - Interactive Videodisk Development for Air Force. Worked with content experts, scriptwriters and videographers to produce firefighter familiarization training. Served as the project manager, graphic designer, and programmer.

Software Stack

VS Code

Visual Studio Code is a free professional and extendable source-code editor. Versions for MacOS and Windows.


Brackets is a free source-code editor for beginners. Versions for MacOS and Windows.


GitHub, Inc., is an Internet hosting service for software development and version control using Git.


Git is free and open source software for distributed version control: tracking changes in any set of files.


Netlify is a cloud computing company that offers hosting and serverless back-end services for web applications and static websites.


Adobe Photoshop is a paid raster graphics editor.


Adobe Illustrator is a paid vector graphics editor and design program.


Adobe Premiere Pro is a timeline-based and non-linear video editing software application.


Camtasia is a software for creating and recording video tutorials and presentations via screencast.


Reflector receives connections from AirPlay so you can display handheld devices on your computer screen.


A learning management system.

MS Office

Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentations and Mail tools.


Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform.


Pano2VR is a powerful virtual tour software that converts your panoramic or 360° photos and videos into interactive experiences.


This software takes a series of images of an object from different angles and creates interactive 360º product.


PTGui is panoramic image stitching software.


High Dynamic Resolution image processing.






Responsive Design

Web Optimization

Instructional Design

Course Development

Instructional Video

WordPress Theme Creation

WordPress Hosting

Industry Experience

Woodland Dental

A dental practice in Salem Utah.

View Woodland Dental
Beit Lehi

Beit Lehi is an active archaeological site in Israel.

View Beit Lehi
RuddCooper Law

Law Firm in Salt Lake City Utah.

View GitHub

I use GitHub to share small screen navigation solutions with the web community.

View GitHub
Recipe Center

JSON driven site featuring my favorite recipes with off-canvas navigation.

View Recipe Center
Free Sociology Books

Contains two free sociology books written by Dr. Ron Hammond and given to the world for free.

View Free Sociology
BARC Electric

BARC is a regional power company in Virginia.

View BARC Electric
Robert Nelson Construction

Robert Nelson Construction is a premiere home builder and property developer in Utah.

View Robert Nelson Construction

Online Courses Taught

Spring 2011, I taught the first asynchronous on-line course offered by the department of Digital Media. I have been learning about on-line teaching and learning ever since. I have also embraced competency based education for all my university courses.

Utah Valley University

DWDD 1600 - Web Essentials (HTML, CSS, FTP, Brackets, Design Principles)

DWDD 1720 - Scripting for Internet Technologies (JavaScript, GitHub, VS Code, JSON)

DWDD 2610 - Principles of Web Languages (HTML, CSS, GitHub, JavaScript, SASS, CSS Preprocessor, Design Principles)

DWDD 4630 - Content Management Systems (WordPress Plugins, Custom Themes, SASS, AWS)

DWDD 3240 - Mixed Reality Experiences II (Panoramic Photography, Virtual Tours)


Assistant Course Lead for WDD230 - WWB January 2023

WDD 230 Web Front-end Development (HTML, CSS, GitHub, JavaScript)
Sample Videos created for WDD 230 Lazy Load 1, Lazy Load 2, Lazy Load 3, Lazy Load 4


Hands-on JavaScript Project: JSON

Hands-on JavaScript Project: Solar Calculator

Hands-on Responsive Web Design 1: Media Queries & CSS Preprocessing

Hands-on Responsive Web Design 2: Responsive Images and Sliders

Hands-on Responsive Web Design 3: Columns, Flexbox and Grids

Hands-on Responsive Web Design 4: Navigation

Best Practices for Responsive Web-forms


Code a Responsive Website Using HTML5 and CSS for Beginners

Front End Web Development - How and Why

360 Panoramic Photography for Virtual Tours and Google Maps

360 Panoramic Photography for VR, AR, XR

Custom Theme Creation for WordPress using HTML5 and CSS3


Built a 44-page print guide titled "Beit Lehi: An Archeological Discovery in Israel Judean Lowlands." 2023

Lead the team that photographed and created the Engineering Accreditation Virtual Facilities tour 2021

Created instructional videos for the UVU curriculum website Spring 2021

Built the Virtual Reality tour for the “Engineering and Technology” week February 2021

Concurrent Enrollment lead for Web Essentials taught in the High Schools 2020 ongoing

Web Development Degree lead July 2020 ongoing

DGM Department curriculum Chair Fall 2017 ongoing

Created a YouTube channel for Beit Lehi and built several videos which are now hosted there 2016

Maintain the website for the non-profit organization "Beit Lehi" ongoing Jan 2015 ongoing

Lead consultant of the Usability and Testing Center for Learning Components Spring 2011

Lead instructional designer for the National Science Foundation grant for mechatronics Spring 2009

Project lead for a GEL grant to build the first free on-line text for UVUSpring 2009

Session Chair, Orlando SALT (Society for Applied Learning Technology) conference Feb 2009

Buena Vista Stake Conference first successful video over IP broadcast to a second location Sep 2005

SVU Website Redesign Team May 2005 – August 2005

Academic Exceptions Committee Member, SVU, Chair: Margaret Gingerich. Spring 2005

Produced the SVU recruiting DVD “Benefits of a Liberal Arts Education” Spring 2005

Academic Exceptions Committee Member, SVU, Chair: Beth Schramm.Fall 2004

Faculty Search Committee Chair, (ISMD), SVUSpring 2003

Produced the SVU recruiting video “A Light on a Hill” Spring 2001

Faculty Search Committee (Art) member, SVU. Chair: Barbara Crawford. Fall 2000

Published the brochure “A Light on a Hill: A campaign for Southern Virginia College” Spring 1999

Deployed SVU’s first on-line academic catalogJuly 1998


Cheney Paul, Hatch Dan, Oliver Eric (2023). Implementing a Competency-Based Education Curriculum in a Semester Format Across Individual and Group Courses (IETC). Orem UT, May 12-13.

Cheney Paul, Hatch Dan (2020). How Virtual Reality Can Be Used in Archaeology, Published at the 2020 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC). Orem UT, Oct 2-3.

Cheney, P.W., Hammond, R. (2010). Design and Deployment of a Free On-line Sociology Textbook, Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Toronto Canada. June 28 – July 2.

Cheney, P.W. (2009). Lessons Learned from Teaching Technology Skills Using a Virtual Internship. Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, 21(1).

Cheney, P.W. (2009). Lessons Learned from Teaching Technology Skills Using a Virtual Internship. Paper presented at the Interactive Technologies 2009 SALT Conference. Orlando, FL. Feb. 18-20.

Cheney, P.W. (2005). Problem-Based Learning in a Virtual Internship to Teach Word Processing Skills. Paper presented at the Interactive Technologies 2005 Washington SALT Conference. Washington DC. Aug 24-26.


“Mobile Learning”, Keynote Speaker at “Faculty Technology Conference”, Orem UTFebruary 7th 2020

“Creating Impactful, Responsive Websites Using Business Catalyst”, Presenter at Adobe MAX 2013 in Los Angeles, CAMay 4-8 2013

Main presenter for an Adobe Faculty-to-faculty webinars on Responsive DesignApril 30, 2013

“Learning with Understanding Using Computer Generated Automated Performance Feedback”, The 16th Sloan-C International Conference on On-line Learning, Orlando FLNov 2010

“Creating and Using a Free On-line Textbook at UVU”, Center for Teaching Excellence, Utah Valley University, Orem UTSeptember 2010.

“Design and Deployment of a Free On-line Sociology Textbook”, ED-MEDIA World Conference on Education Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Toronto Canada, June 2010

“Internet Technologies”, Digital Media Pathway Academy, Orem UTMarch 2010

“Using Constructivist Principles to Improve Teaching”, Adjunct Faculty ConferenceSeptember 2009

“When your LMS can't hack it: Using an open-source CMS to develop a virtual internship course”, eLearning DevCon , Salt Lake City UTJune 2009

“Using Constructivist Principles to Engage Students in the Learning Process”, The First Annual Scholarship of Teaching and Engagement Conference, Orem UTApril 2009

“Virtual Internships for Teaching Information Technology Communication Skills”, New Learning Technologies 2009 Salt® Conference, Orlando FLFeb 2009

“How we are using an on-line virtual internship to insure information communication technology skills”, The 14th Sloan-C International Conference On On-line Learning, Orlando FLNov 2008

“Problem-Based Learning in a Virtual Internship to Teach Word Processing Skills”, New Learning Technologies 2009 Salt® Conference, Washington D.C.Sept 2005


Fall 2022

"I really have enjoyed this class. I really have loved and enjoyed all that I've learned so far as I complete all the modules and I'm excited for more classes like this. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work on this class. All the videos are well made and the content is incredible and SO well designed. Thank you for another amazing on-line class Paul Cheney!!"


Fall 2022

"I have always been a little afraid of the coding but your easy to understand tutorials are awesome! Thanks"


Fall 2022

"I think this new course is phenomenal and honestly is a lot better than how most teachers lay out their courses."


Fall 2022

"Dr. Cheney kept the videos fairly concise while also being super informative."


Fall 2022

"It was very well laid out. I love how organized and thoughtful Paul is when he writes code. I think I learned a lot about making code more manageable and well formatted in ways that aren't obvious right off of the bat."


Summer 2021

"I already took this class at another university but the credits didn't roll over, so I had to take it again. This class is so much easier to follow, and I have found that I learned a lot more that the other class"


Spring 2023

"You are my favorite teacher by a country mile in this school and you have helped me so much in this last few years. "


Spring 2023

"I originally didn't do very well in this class last semester with another professor and started to worry because I missed your style of educating. When I learned that you were launching an new version of Scripting Essentials, I was so happy because the class I took with you in DGM 2120 was such a good class that I got excited to learn again. I'm glad to help out and you were such an amazing professor this semester I stand behind what I said that you are the best professor in this entire school by a country mile! Thank you so much professor for always reaching out to me even when I was quiet for many days on end. They never went to waste or were left on deaf ears."


Fall 2023

"I appreciate everything about how you taught all the classes you have taught me. You have really changed the way I look at development and school in general. You also influenced my career and life in a lot of ways. I am pursuing a master's program because I want to be a Doctor like you. I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me."



Dr. Alan Whitehurst


2133 Cushing Street

Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613

Email: ralph.a.whitehurst.civ@mail.mil

Phone: 540-817-3899